How can I update TieLabs WordPress plugin?

Knowledge Base > Arqam > Taqyeem > How can I update TieLabs WordPress plugin?

in ArqamTaqyeem

  • Update manually via WordPress admin panel::
    1. Download the most current version from CodeCanyon in the “Downloads” area of your account.
    2. Go to (WordPress Dashboard >> Plugins) and deactivate then delete the current version of the plugin.
    3. Click on “Add New” and “Upload” the new plugin .zip file.
    4. Activate your new plugin version and enjoy it.
  • Update manually via FTP:
    You will need to connect to your website throw FTP client, you can use “FileZilla CLient” for this.

    Check this tutorial to get started with FileZilla, then follow these steps:

    • Assuming your current plugin is “Arqam”, navigate to this directory (/wp-content/plugins/arqam/).
    • Delete all files under this directory.
    • Upload the new plugin files in the same directory.
    Note: All your plugin settings in “TiePanel” are saved within the database not files, so you will not lose any of these settings even if you deleted the plugin files, BUT any direct edit to the plugin files (.php and .css) will be overwritten after uploading the new plugin files, so it's highly recommended to take back-up of your old plugin files in case you edited them.