
Basata – Retina Responsive WordPress Blog Theme

*** Basata Changelog ***

Version 1.3.3 - 03-04-2017
- Updated: Facebook API 2.7.0.
- Improved: PHP 7 Compatibility.
- Fixed: Facebook Counter Access Token Bug.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

#Files Updated
- style.css
- includes/widgets (folder)
- functions/theme-functions.php


Version 1.3.2 - 10-08-2016
- Improved: SSL Compatibility.
- Fixed: bug in the Timeline page template when using WPML.
- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.

#Files Updated
- style.css
- panel/js/tie.js
- panel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php
- panel/shortcodes/mce.js
- functions/theme-functions.php
- includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php
- includes/widgets/widget-feedburner.php
- includes/widgets/widget-flickr.php
- includes/widgets/widget-video.php
- includes/widgets/widget-youtube.php


Version 1.3.1 - 25-05-2016
- Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.5 ready.
- Improved: Facebook Counter.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- functions/theme-functions.php


Version 1.3.0 - 22-03-2016
- NEW FEATURE: Option to enable/disable the custom Scrollbar.
- Updated: Dribbble API 1.0 - Now you need to set a Client Access Token, check the Documentation for more information.
- Updated: Languages files.
- Updated: Theme’s Documentation.
- Improved: Facebook Counter.
- Improved: Save posts function.
- Improved: Theme widgets code.
- Fixed: Instagram post status bug.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files updated
- style.css
- single.php
- content-status.php
- js/tie-scripts.js
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- panel/post-options.php
- includes/widgets (folder)
- languages (folder)


Version 1.2.0 - 02-08-2015
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show Google+ posts in the status post format.
- NEW FEATURE: Custom icon for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ post status format.
- Improved: Facebook counter.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files updated
- style.css
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts
- content-status.php
- panel/post-options.php


Version 1.1.3 - 30-06-2015
- Updated: Youtube API 3.0 - Now you need to get API Key ... check the Documentation for more information.
- Updated: The theme’s Documentations.
- Updated: prettyPhoto LightBox Library to version 3.1.6.
- Fixed: Login widget bug for subdirectories installation.

Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- functions/theme-functions.php
- includes/widgets/widget-counter.php


Version 1.1.2 - 25-05-2015
- Fixed: Instagram post status bug.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- style.css
- content-status.php
- js/tie-scripts.js


Version 1.1.1 - 03-05-2015
- Updated: Facebook API 2.0 - Now you need to get app access token, check the Documentation for more information.
- Updated: The theme’s Documentations.
- Updated: New WordPress title function.
- Fixed: Audio Player styling bug.
- Fixed: SoundCloud custom color bug.
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings messages.
- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- style.css
- header.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- panel/mpanel-functions.php
- panel/post-options.php
- includes/widgets/widget-counter.php


Version 1.1.0 - 13-10-2014
- NEW FEATURE: Option to show Instagram photo/video in the status post format.
- NEW FEATURE: Show the featured image of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram status post format as a background of the post.
- Improved: Shortcodes UI.
- Improved: Animation with scroll.
- Fixed: RTL styling issues.
- Fixed: FaceBook status bug.
- Fixed: Losing the data of custom post fields for some posts.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- rtl.css
- Style.css
- functions.php
- content-status.php
- panel/shortcodes/ (folder)
- js/tie-scripts.js
- panel/post-options.php


Version 1.0.4 - 04-07-2014
- Improved: Theme updates notifier cache.
- Improved: Images lightbox on Mobiles.
- Fixed: Full Screen videos bug.
- Fixed: Theme Options page for blogs on a WordPress MU.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- header.php
- Style.css
- panel/mpanel-functions.php
- panel/notifier/update-notifier.php


Version 1.0.3 - 03-02-2014
- Improved: Slide Out sidebar movement on the old browsers/devices.
- Improved: MySQL queries speed.
- Fixed: Get the correct author bug in the author page .
- Fixed: Custom categories posts color bug in the homepage.
- Fixed: RTL responsive issues.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- style.css
- rtl.css
- author.php
- template-timeline.php
- js/ie.js
- js/tie-scripts.js
- includes/post-related.php
- includes/widgets/widget-facebook.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- panel/shortcodes/shortcode.php


Version 1.0.2 - 23-12-2013
- Speed improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- style.css
- rtl.css
- header.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- panel/notifier/update-notifier.php


Version 1.0.1 - 09-12-2013
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.

Files Updated
- Style.css
- Rtl.css
- functions/common-scripts.php
- js/tie-scripts.js


Version 1.0.0
- First release